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Supplemental Security Income (SSI) vs. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Q&A

This print-friendly version of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) vs. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Q&A is drawn from [Read more]


Mental Health Services for Older Adults Q&A

This Mental Health Services for Older Adults Q&A is drawn from the 22nd edition of the Elder Law Q&A: [Read more]


Long Term Care Insurance Q&A

This print-friendly version of the Long Term Care Insurance Q&A was completed July 2023.

Senior Law Day Collaborative Q&As are [Read more]

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Planning Ahead For Advanced Care and End-of-Life

Presenters: Karen Ronan, RN & Geriatric Care Manager Tatyana Fowler, End-of-Life Educator

Broadcast on August 10, 2023

Additional Resources:


Medicare Q&A

The Medicare Q&A was completed July 2023.

Senior Law Day Collaborative Q&As are intended to guide older adults and caregivers [Read more]

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Safety Toolkit

Listed below are resources to understand and report elder abuse, fight scams and fraud, protect your personal information, and check [Read more]


Medicaid Update

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla volutpat a metus viverra feugiat. Donec bibendum vestibulum aliquet. Duis interdum [Read more]


Seven Common Gaffes in Estate Planning and What You Can Do

Presenters: Joanna C. Feldman, Esq. Senior Attorney, Maker, Fragale & Di Costanzo, LLP. Broadcast on July 12th, 2023.

Broadcast on [Read more]


Brain Health Breakthroughs: Life-Saving Treatments for Aneurysm, Strokes, and Beyond

Presenter: Dr. Rafael Alexander Ortiz (White Plains Hospital).

Broadcast on June 28th, 2023.


Myths and Realities of Asking for Help in 2023: A Presentation in Honor of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Presenter(s): Nicolle Brunale (Family Services of Westchester), Roberta Goodman (Pace Women’s Justice Center),

Patricia Grasse (Adult Protective Services), and Christine [Read more]

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